Apache 프로젝트에서 진행하는 Lucene 검색엔진이 2.3.1으로 업데이트 되었습니다.
마이너업그레이드 이므로, 새로운 기능 보다는 기존 2.3.0의 버그수정입니다.
변경 내용
1. LUCENE-1168: Fixed corruption cases when autoCommit=false and
documents have mixed term vectors (Suresh Guvvala via Mike McCandless).
2. LUCENE-1171: Fixed some cases where OOM errors could cause
deadlock in IndexWriter (Mike McCandless).
3. LUCENE-1173: Fixed corruption case when autoCommit=false and bulk
merging of stored fields is used (Yonik via Mike McCandless).
4. LUCENE-1163: Fixed bug in CharArraySet.contains(char[] buffer, int
offset, int len) that was ignoring offset and thus giving the
wrong answer. (Thomas Peuss via Mike McCandless)
5. LUCENE-1177: Fix rare case where IndexWriter.optimize might do too
many merges at the end. (Mike McCandless)
6. LUCENE-1176: Fix corruption case when documents with no term
vector fields are added before documents with term vector fields.
(Mike McCandless)
7. LUCENE-1179: Fixed assert statement that was incorrectly
preventing Fields with empty-string field name from working.
(Sergey Kabashnyuk via Mike McCandless)
소스및 바이너리 다운로드 http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/java/
프로젝트 홈페이지 http://lucene.apache.org/
마이너업그레이드 이므로, 새로운 기능 보다는 기존 2.3.0의 버그수정입니다.
변경 내용
1. LUCENE-1168: Fixed corruption cases when autoCommit=false and
documents have mixed term vectors (Suresh Guvvala via Mike McCandless).
2. LUCENE-1171: Fixed some cases where OOM errors could cause
deadlock in IndexWriter (Mike McCandless).
3. LUCENE-1173: Fixed corruption case when autoCommit=false and bulk
merging of stored fields is used (Yonik via Mike McCandless).
4. LUCENE-1163: Fixed bug in CharArraySet.contains(char[] buffer, int
offset, int len) that was ignoring offset and thus giving the
wrong answer. (Thomas Peuss via Mike McCandless)
5. LUCENE-1177: Fix rare case where IndexWriter.optimize might do too
many merges at the end. (Mike McCandless)
6. LUCENE-1176: Fix corruption case when documents with no term
vector fields are added before documents with term vector fields.
(Mike McCandless)
7. LUCENE-1179: Fixed assert statement that was incorrectly
preventing Fields with empty-string field name from working.
(Sergey Kabashnyuk via Mike McCandless)
소스및 바이너리 다운로드 http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/java/
프로젝트 홈페이지 http://lucene.apache.org/